Picking Nicole up from a friend's house yesterday after she had a fun morning baking some cookies, here's an excerpt of the moment.
It was around midday on a dank, damp and clammy Tuesday in Essex. In other words, the famously horrible British weather. My three-year-old daughter's voice from the back seat:
"Am I going to my nursery now?.."
"No, baby. We have to go home first. You have lunch, then.. .you go to the nursery."
"Is it Sophie's nursery?" (Sophie is her best friend in the nursery)
"Yes, it is..."
"The cars are driving too slow, mummy.."
"Well, it has been raining, babe. People have to be careful when they drive because the road is slippery so they won't have any accidents."
"Oh, we don't want that....," (in a very serious tone)
"No, of course not, Nicole."
"So you cannot pass?... The car is too slow?.."
"No,. baby .. this is a single traffic road. Mummy cannot overtake the car in front."
"That's a blue car..."
"Yes, there's a blue car in front of us. And in front of the blue car, there is a white car."
"I can't see.... I can't see....!!"
"It's in front of the blue car. It is difficult to see, isn't it?"
Red light at traffic.
"Oh,.. we are trapped..."
"No, we are not trapped, babe,.. we stop because the red light is on, see?.... what colour of light can we go?..."
"Clever girl..."
Whilst waiting for the green light.
"One...two...three... mummy,... three red cars!!"
"Yes,... there are a lot of red cars, aren't there?.. You are very good at counting.. can you count to twenty?.."
"One..two..three..four..five..six...seven...eight...nine..ten...eleven...twelve..firteen... (substitute 'f' to 'th')...fourteen...fifteen... nineteen... sixteen... eighteen!!..."
"Well done, baby... well done..."
A drizzle just started.
"Hm...mm..mm...mmm.. pitter patter raindrops, pitter patter raindrops... I'm wet through... so are you, so are you... So are you, mummy!!"
"Yes, babe... so am I..."
"Are we almost home now?.."
"Yup... just another corner now...."
It was a dank, damp and clammy beginning of October. But on hindsight... it was not too cold. There was a gentle fresh breeze pushing its way through a slightly rolled down window. And listening to my daughter's excited voice chattering away as well the smooth tune of 'Somewhere out There' from the radio, somehow... it was not too bad.
In fact, life is beautiful...if only we can capture all the beautiful moments...