
Monday, 10 May 2010


Deciding to live in a different country is not easy. Coming from the family-oriented community in the East to the more individual-oriented life in the West must be a shock to many. Having accustomed to living a good life with all its perks, i.e., family, siblings, maid servants, driver and then switch to 'do-everything-yourself' kind of life is tough.
Imagine that I never had any idea of what working in the kitchen entails. Did not have a clue of any single herb or spices. I probably could boil an egg, but that was about it. The thought of how different kinds of food could be served on the dining table was a far-flung mystery to me. I mean, how on earth could you mix spices to get different flavours? Must be magic....
But ten years of living abroad has taught me the one thing that I used to consider as an enigma. I am by no means a competent cook. I look up recipes from books, internet, friends, etc. But I have the satisfaction now that whatever I cook, at least if not too spicy, both my darling daughter and husband will just devour it.
So it was this morning, I prepared a beautiful, fluffy omelette, filled with smoked salmon and served with roasted cherry tomatoes-on-the-vine and a slice of brown toast. Not so much of a haute cuisine, but it was delicious and healthy. But most of all, there is the satisfaction that I know what I am feeding my lovely family as I made it myself.